Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I am just not feeling the "Christmas Spirit" this year. I don't know if it's because we are having 60 & 70 degree weather and no snow in December, or if it's the fact we decided not to decorate our house for Christmas because we are hoping to go to Kansas for Christmas, or what it is- but I am just feeling lousy! We have changed our first decision about decorating our house because we are having an Arbonne open house at our house this weekend, so we are going to put up a little bit of stuff- but nothing like I remember from my childhood. My mom would take off work the first or second week in December, and deck our house to the limits! And then she would start baking- she would bake something everyday for a week to ten days, depending on how ambitious she was that year. I just always remember how good it smelled in our house, and it always seemed to linger til Christmas day. I am gonna have to find something to get my spirits up- I don't like feeling blue, anytime- but especially at Christmas...


MamaMia said...

Hey Kim,
I decide to check out your site, pretty cool! Then, I decided to leave a comment, not so cool! I had to go through all these steps and kept having technical difficulties and finally I can comment.(Let's hope)
I don't know why but every year I have a hard time getting in the x-mas mood. This year has been a little easier, but I'm still playing x-mas music all of the time. The snow today helps a lot!!

G&K said...

I think looking for those video clips & the Christmas music have kinda helped- I think the biggest thing was the 70 degree temps earlier this week that made it bad. But we have snow here now too- so now it does feel a little more like Christmas. And now we can take our Christmas picture with the snow! :-) Thanks for taking the time to set yourself up to leave comments. Look forward to "chatting" with you! :-)